Monday, June 17, 2019

My Intro to the Blogging Community! Is WBT an Interruption?

Welcome to LP Does WBT. This is my first blog, and I am so excited to share with you my Whole Brain Teaching journey.  Whole Brain Teaching is a methodology founded over ten years ago by Chris Biffle, a retired college professor.  To learn more about WBT I would suggest that you go straight to their website  

This is where my journey began over a year ago.  Right now I am working hard preparing for what will be my first full year as a Whole Brain teacher.  I started this blog to share with you my successes and challenges in implementing WBT.  I will be chronicling my first full year as a WBT teacher, beginning with the preparations that I am making this summer.  Since I am a very detailed oriented person, the specifics of how a program is put together are very important to me; therefore, this blog will be full of the nuts and bolts of how I am building my WBT classroom from the ground floor up.  My hope is that you too will be inspired to implement WBT in your classroom.

There are many of you out there that have helped me so much by posting your ideas online and for that I say, thank you! I hope that this blog will not only help me by allowing me to reflect and get feedback but that it will help others as well.
2 ) After discovering Whole Brain Teaching over a year ago I am addicted! Since this discovery, I have found the WBT community incredibly supportive and welcoming. The stories shared by other Whole Brain Teachers on forums and other blogs have assisted me so much; I couldn't help but want to be a part of this!

Ok so now you know why I have chosen to start this blog, so here is my first question: is WBT seen as an interruption to student's daily schedule if they are only exposed to it in one class?
    In my research, I have found that some teachers agreed that WBT would be an interruption to the classroom environment. 
    So what I am wondering is:
1 ) If you had a student teacher in your classroom, would you be ok with them experimenting with different classroom management strategies?
2 ) If you use WBT and your colleagues don't, do they view your use of WBT as an interruption to the student's schedule?  What do you think about this write your comments below?


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