Tuesday, July 2, 2019

The Impact of Technology In the Classroom

Once upon a time, the role of the teacher in the classroom conjured up images and ideas of blackboards, rulers, chalk, and pencils. But now, technology is becoming more and more integrated into modern school systems—not just as an added bonus, but as a necessity to how students learn and how teachers teach. While at one point in time, adopting technology into the classroom may have been perceived as stressful and forced for teachers and students alike, as it stands now, students aren't just excited about using technology, teachers are excited and highly capable of utilizing its presence in the classroom. From smart boards to class computers to e-readers and e-textbooks, each new technology presents new modes of both teaching and learning opportunities. Now, everyday teachers with tech access are finding new ways to embrace technology and incorporate it into the classroom. As a result, teachers are more efficient than ever, and students are capable of learning faster and more efficiently. In fact, a majority of students say that technology has helped them to achieve their academic goals, while a majority of teachers say they would like to use even more technology in the classroom. 

I want to ask you all some questions about this topic. If you have any answers to these questions please write them in the comments below because I would be glad to read them :).

How has technology affected your teaching style?  How?

How has technology affected your management style?  How?
Has the use of technology become a "norm" in your daily lessons? How/Why?
How has technology changed your planning and pacing?  How/Why?
What social etiquette standards regarding technology are you expecting your students to follow? 
What are the most important technology-based skills that your students need to master and how can I make this happen?
Is there a more efficient way to accomplish what is required, using technology?  How?
What is the best way to differentiate instruction using technology? How?
Project-based learning…..How can technology support & incorporate multiple content areas to accurately display what students have learned?  

Whether we are ready to or not….It is time to truly embrace technology!


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