Saturday, October 5, 2019

Should Schools Allow Students To Have Homework? Pros and Cons of Homework

The question of whether students should have homework is not new. With more and more kids and their parents stating that they have almost no time to live because of the homework children get at school, educators started wondering whether giving them homework is really such a good idea.
To give you a better idea of both sides of a discussion around homework and tons of work children (and often their parents) deal with at home, I have prepared a list of arguments supporters of both sides to provide these days.
So, arm yourself with patience and be ready to read them all before you decide on the side to support - children who want to unload some homework assigned, or teachers willing to offer them the highest level of education possible with home learning and parents’ support.

5 Reasons Why Homework is Good
We know at least five reasons why homework assigned to be kids at home is actually a good thing. Try to be impartial when reading them to really understand why working at home makes sense, what an incredible opportunity to obtain a proper education, other numerous benefits such assignments bring.

  • Homework helps kids and teachers collaborate. Once assignments and tests from schools are completed at home, kids and their educators can discuss the results, search for solutions to problems they have along the way. Schools offering homework have a chance for better communication inside the classroom.

  • Tasks assigned to kids make families closer. Whenever a child feels lost or insecure about a homework task he completed, he or she goes to his/her parents or older siblings for a piece of advice. As a result, families might end up spending hours solving problems, looking for creative math solutions while having fun together.

  • Practicing assignments makes success. Writing or any other homework tasks assigned to students really help students prepare for obtaining a higher education degree at university. In fact, the more time a kid spends polishing at their skills, the higher the chances are to enter a university of their dreams or land the work they always wanted to.

  • Homework makes students more responsible. Knowing that each homework assignment has a deadline this makes students more responsible; it trains their willpower, an ability to plan their time for academic activities. Families, friends, schools can all contribute to children’s development in this area; with such an amount of support, growing is much easier.

  • It helps parents keep track of their kids’ performance. Seeing what kids are assigned to do at home, gives families a sense of the education level of their kids; in fact, spend a couple of minutes looking at your child’s homework to find out weak areas. Identify problems, see their achievements, or offer help - it’s all possible after you check your child’s homework.

Negative Effects of Having Homework.
Not all agree that homework after seven hours at school is such a good idea after all. If you’re on the fence regarding this fact, read our full list of reasons that support the idea that kids should rest at home, have some free time, instead of working long hours of struggling with the homework academic tasks.

  • It is stressful. Extra loads of work that students are assigned to do at home have a negative effect on the younger generation that has to spend hours dealing with math problems instead of resting. This extra stress level can harm their health, lead to a lack of enthusiasm for education, rise a huge debate among teachers, parents over the usefulness of such an approach.

  • It deprives them of social life. Having to work a lot (even at nights!) at home means that a student has fewer opportunities to socialize which can lead to poor communication skills in the future and children becoming reserved. No wonder young people don’t want to do homework but use any chance to get out for a walk with friends.

  • Children lose interest. Lots of homework put much pressure on young minds; this pressure only makes them lose interest and become less effective in their work. They need time to switch focus, explore the world, engage in other activities or else they’ll be ineffective at school/university.

  • It’ll lead to academic burnout. Homework takes long hours, not minutes which after a day at school feels like a heavy burden. Students already are tired, sleepy, homework tasks will only wearier each day and cause complete burnout.

  • They’re not effective. Homework is less effective because most kids ask their siblings, parents, to do them instead. In classroom explained by a teacher, tasks make way more sense than at home where they are often done just to be done and forgotten right after submission. A student may stay receiving higher grades for assignments done at school with a teacher.

As you see there are two sides to this issue. Supporters of the first emphasize the necessity of self-education while others believe too much homework can harm one’s health.


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