Friday, April 10, 2020

♡ Teacher Life Q & A- Part 1 | My Career, First Steps, Student Teaching, Lesson Plans, and Classroom Management

Hi everyone welcome back! Today I am going to do a Q&A that I've been wanting for a while. I was hoping when I requested questions from you guys that I would get like a dozen or so questions. I got a lot of questions! I've decided to break these up. This post will be part one and the next will be a part two. The reason why I decided this so I can really take the time to answer the questions that you guys asked me. I will be answering eight questions. With that let's go on ahead and get started!

What do you include in your lesson plans and when do I usually do my lesson planning?

As far as what you have to put in your written lesson plans. You have to have your objective or your learning target. Then your strategy of how are you going to achieve your learning target. You have to have your assessment. How are you going to assess what you just taught the students? The assessments can be an exit slip, observation, and anecdotal records. Basically any kind of assessment. It's good to even be an informal assessment. Which is you're just watching the class and seeing how they react to the lesson. The last thing we have to put in there is the Common Core standard.  

As for when do I write my lesson plans. Sometimes I can get my lesson plans written when I'm in the classroom either on a prep period or in the morning before school actually begins. I like to go to work about an hour early so this way I have this extra time in my room to do whatever it is I need to do. But I will say the bulk of my lesson plan writing does get done at home it's just easier for me. I do them in the evening when I'm watching TV.  Also, even if I wanted to do long-term planning or if I really want to develop like a thematic unit for a week or two. I will even spend a Saturday or a Sunday sitting down and really focusing on how I'm going to tie all the subjects together.

How do I grade papers?

I have a variety of ways of grading papers. One of the good old-fashioned ways is just doing percentages. There were these many questions and you got that many wrong which is this percent so this is your grade.  Some assignments that don't really work that way. For example, on an exit slip that you're using for your quick assessment, you want to give the students to make sure they were paying attention. If you only have five questions one wrong is a B, two wrong is a D, three or more is an F. That's really harsh percentages. So what I would do is say that one wrong is a B, two wrong is to C three wrong is a D and then the rest would be an F. Make sure you adjust to meet the needs of you and your class. When it comes to entering the grades into the computer system, we do have to enter percentages.

What organizational systems do I have in the classroom to keep up with paperwork?

When it comes to all the paperwork, I will say grade as fast as you can. When you give a test and students start turning them in grade them immediately. So you can enter the grade and probably finish them all on that day. That is my biggest form of organization is just to get it done quickly. Then as far as the other paperwork goes writing RTI's for intervention students writing out your IEP stuff, writing out forms for interventions used with kids, and parent contact logs. My big strategy there is my planner and if I know that by this Friday I have to do this I will write it in my planner. If you don't have time to do the paperwork
 put it in your planner.

What kind of paperwork besides planning and grading do you take work home with you?

There's a lot of paperwork that is involved in teaching. If you have children who are struggling you have to write out what is called a referral for an intervention team meeting. These packets require a ton of information from the teacher and you have to record all their testing data so you have to fill out all those forms if you're referring a child for further interventions. If you have a behavior plan on a student you have to keep track of and to collect and store it in file folders. You have your form of testing you're doing you've got to store those tests and I then take all of the finished grades and put them on one sheet of paper in my pensive so this way I know what level all of my students are reading on.

Any tips for student teachers to help us have a successful experience?

For student teachers, my advice to you is one be prepared to work hard because not only are you student teaching to learn your own teaching skills but you want to view your student teaching as a time to network. You are meeting principals, you are potential co-workers, you are feeling out the district just as the district is feeling out you. I know a lot of schools require you to have more than one student teaching, there's your pre-student teaching and then your formal student teaching. Do that in two different school districts just so that you get your name out there. 

Next, arrive early and stay late. You want them to see you that you're there or you're available. If they're having an after-school program be prepared to stay at the after-school 

program. If they're having a curriculum meeting go to it. This is your opportunity to learn about every aspect of being a teacher not just what you have to do in the classroom. 

Also, the teacher in the classroom is your one-on-one resource. If you have questions ask that classroom teacher what to do or what would they do in your place. Also your lesson planning you're probably going to have a much more detailed lesson plan as a student 
teacher then you will as you know a permanent teacher. So for a student teacher an Erin Condren teacher planner probably would not work for you will need enough room in the boxes to write in all those extra details. I would actually recommend making like a template on a computer and using like font eight or nine where you can get in what manipulatives are going to be used what specific homework is going into this lesson plan. Make sure to be nice, be professional, dress appropriately, and work hard.

Could you give an overview of your classroom management system and do use a particular program?

We have in the district PBS which was called positive behavior support I loved that program. There were three general rules be safe, be responsible, and be respectful. Those three rules encompass a lot of behavior. For example, keeping your hands and feet to yourself as part of these safe. Completing and turning your homework on time as part of being responsible. Raising your hand and using a polite voice in class as part of being respectful. As long as you have those rules on your rule list you're covered for a lot of behaviors. That you're going to deal with in the course of the day. so that's my rules right there those for perfect. PBS is about bribery. If the kids are good for a week they get a treat. If the kids are good for a month they got a celebration party. I like being able to acknowledge that you were good this whole month. It's a very good and beneficial program and it works.

Is it expected that I will spend so much money on supplies and 
does my school provide anything?
My district does provide materials, furniture, and everything else. But during summer vacation, I like to monitor all the school supplies sales and I like to buy notebooks, folders with prongs, composition books, crayons, some markers, lots of pencil cap erasers, and pencils.  So when a student is out of something well I have a stash that I could now use. Also, if I want the whole class to have a blue folder for math so this way math papers go in this folder and not in another folder. I do spend a ton of money on my classroom but I want to provide my students with the best possible quality materials.

What inspired you to become a teacher?

I have to say when I was in 12th grade I had all my credits done already and I had two periods of like free time but I couldn't leave the building. So I really didn't want to take a study hall I talked to my counselor and said: "What can I do instead of study hall because I don't need it." So they had me go to a connected elementary and for one period I was volunteering in the kindergarten class and for the second period I was volunteering in the second grade classroom and I loved it!  The teachers would have me help them put up their bulletin boards and grade papers and putting stickers and stamps all over them which was fun! They would have me work one-on-one with the kids practicing their sight and spelling words and read to the children. By the end of 12th grade, I knew exactly what I was going to college for and what I was going to be with the rest of my life. I was going to be a teacher!

 My Advice:

If you're someone right now that you're in high school and you don't really know what to do or you don't know if you want to be a teacher volunteer.  Volunteer in a preschool or for assorted grade levels during summer vacation and see if working and being with children is something you really love and enjoy. It's very easy to figure out if you want to do this for a living.

Okay and with that, if you have any other questions you can ask them in the comments and I'll get to those in the next Q&A.

Thanks for reading,


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