Tuesday, June 18, 2019

WBT Management, New Sites, and Teaching Series

Today I have a lot of things I would like to talk/share with you all. Well, it's official, I can't resist Google and I have my blog over to Blogger. I decided, that with Blogger I would be able to reach more people and make this blog even better for you!

One thing that I've mentioned before is that since I've discovered whole brain teaching I have found the WBT community incredibly supportive. I've been fortunate enough to be able to network with a lot of great educators through their classroom blogs and the WBT forum.

One thing I wonder what is it about whole brain teaching that attracts or repels educators? Obviously, you know that I am a fan of this strategy. My reasons for this are discussed in my past posts and in future posts.

     So for right now, I am wondering what you think the pros/cons are of whole brain teaching as a classroom management strategy. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

 In the future, I will be posting some pretty great education blogs out there! I hope you check those out.

  Lastly, I will be creating a new page for this site that highlights some of the best websites I have found that are related to teaching. Some of them are networking sites, some of them are curriculum-based and some of them are just cool! I have yet to categorize them into specific subject-areas but I hope to add to this page quite regularly, so as the number of websites grows I will categorize them so its easier to navigate. If you know of any websites that I should check out and add to the list let me know in the comments!

    Hope you enjoy these new updates to start off the week :)

PLEASE READ- Tomorrow I will be kicking off the first post of the Whole Brain Teaching Series. I will be talking about Class-Yes so be sure you are tuned in for that.


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I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. If you have any blog post ideas, please comment below and I will take it into consideration thank you. :)