Tuesday, June 18, 2019

WBT QuickStart

With this in mind, I want to share with you a great new resource from the Whole Brain Teaching team, the "WBT QuickStart" FREE E-BOOK download. This e-book covers the basics of whole brain teaching quickly and easily! It includes information on the whole brain teaching strategies "Class-Yes", "Teach-Ok", and the "Scoreboard", as well as additional resources and tips. Your students are constantly engaged, which means fewer opportunities to get off-task which means they are learning more and you are not as stressed. :)

whole brain teaching, quick start guide, begin whole brain teaching

    To access the "WBT QuickStart", and many other e-books, visit the Whole Brain Teaching website and click on Free Ebooks on the menu at the top of the screen. You may be asked to sign-up but it is definitely worth it! You will find the "QuickStart Guide" as the second e-book on the list. If you don't want to do that option just click HERE
    I challenge you to download this resource and try to implement even just one of the strategies into your classroom. Good luck! Tell me in the comments below if you did this and how was it?

* A big thanks to everyone on the WBT team for putting out these free resources for teachers, you guys rock!


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