Friday, July 12, 2019

Getting a Teaching Job Resources

teaching interview tips, tips for new teachers, how to prepare for a teaching interview, how to get a teaching job, teaching interview
I have been thinking about new teachers who will be going to interviews soon and have no idea what to bring, do or say. With that in mind, I have been compiling different websites, articles, and books that can be helpful when preparing for a teaching interview!

The Best Advice for New Teachers (Article)
- Larry Ferlazzo is an AMAZING edublogger that has multiple lists of resources
   that I recommend you check out. He's put together a great list of websites that offer advice for new teachers and people preparing to be teachers.

The Rookie Teacher (Website)
- This website has a variety of great blog posts about everything to do with
   being a "Rookie Teacher" including subject-specific information,
   curriculum, professional development, and interviews.

 Substitute teacher interview questions* (Website)
- I found this website very useful and it had many examples of
  interview questions provided by new teachers who had just gone through the interview process.


What Do Principal's Look For When They Hire (Article)
- Peter Jory has written a great article on his blog, "I Have an Opinion About
  Learning". Being a principal himself, I value Mr. Jory's opinion and think he provides some great insight on what administration looks for during the hiring process.

How to Find Your Dream Teaching Job (Article)

 certain schools to the actual interview itself.

Apply to Education (Database)
- Apply to Education is an online database that school divisions and private
  companies use to post teaching positions. I check this website weekly to see what sorts of jobs our area has available.
- You can search through jobs from any area without having to become a
  member of the website!

EduEdge (Website)
- EduEdge is an entire website devoted to preparing future teachers for the
  interview and hiring process. They have several great articles, blog posts,
  workshops, and resources all designed to help you get a job.

Advice to New Graduates About to Enter the Teaching Profession (Article) 
- David Andrade has put together some great points on his blog,
  "Educational Technology Guy". He touches on everything from staying organized, to asking for help to copyright concerns.
- At the end of the article, he also includes some more great resources for
  new teachers.

First Day of School by Harry Wong (Book)
 A teacher recommended this to me and she said, "It is a fantastic resource to use throughout your teaching career". Since then I have also seen it praised in many of the edublogs. I definitely recommend it to any teacher, new or experienced.

Student Teacher, Temporary Teacher or Substitute Teacher? What to do if a Teaching Job is Rumoured to be Available at Your School (Article)
- This article by EduEdge (also on this list) offers some great advice on
  how to get your foot in the door and start building yourself a teaching career.

Top Strategies for Selecting References for a Teaching Interview (Article)
- This article by EduEdge (also on this list) offers some pointers on how to
  pick appropriate references for your teaching application. Who should be a reference? Do you pick different references depending on the school?

131 Tips for New Teachers (Presentation)
- Richard Byrne included a free slide presentation on his blog, "Free
  Technology for Teachers" that highlights 131 tips for new teachers.

If you know a soon to be teacher share this blog post with them so they can be prepared for an interview. Best of luck to all the new teachers out there who are preparing for their job interviews!
Have a good resource to add to this list? Let me know in the comments below!


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