Saturday, July 20, 2019

Summer Checklist for Whole Brain Teachers

Here are some things that you may want to think about and plan as you get ready for another year (or your first year!) as a Whole Brain Teacher. Visit my post about  My To-Do List for more ideas to do in your classroom.   Please leave a comment if you have any questions!

Summer To-Do List...

  • Print and laminate posters for Class-Yes, Teach-Okay, Mirror, Hands and Eyes, and Switch. You can use the ones from the WBT website, or find some great ones on Pinterest.
  • Get some whiteboard tape (or just some black electrical tape) for your scoreboard
  • Decide if you will be doing whole class cards or individual cards on the Super Improvers Team
  • Look at the first unit that you will be teaching and identify the main emphasis topics. You may want to look at the standards you will be covering, the "I can" statements you may be using, or just think about the big ideas that you want them to remember and understand all year. 
  • Turn the topic into a question, answer the question in kid-friendly language, and create a simple gesture to go along with the answer. You can turn all of this into a Power Pix too! You also may want to search around - there are a lot of great WBT Teachers creating Power Pix all the time that you could use. 
  • Look at the first few lessons that you will be teaching, and see how you can transform those lessons into the five-step format. Here's a free template that I use, please feel free to download a copy for yourself or create your own template and find some more on the web. 


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