Sunday, July 21, 2019

Resources to Start Off Your Week 4

 It has been a while since I have posted some resources for you all so I wanted to throw together Resources to Start Off Your Week with NINE great new resources.

1 ) Creative Commons
- A website database for royalty-free pictures.
- Teachers can grab pictures, clip art and diagram off this site to include in
   their lessons or have students use it to reinforce the idea of digital citizenship.
- Click on "Find CC-Licensed Works" 

2 ) Roadmap to Harmony
 - An article from the "Good" network that visually summarizes important
   concepts such as sustainable development, education, globalization, and
   relationships between humans and the earth.
- Teachers could use this as an activating strategy for many social studies
- Great for visual learners!

3 ) ToonDoo
- A website for making online comic characters and stories.
- This website has lots of options and teachers can use this to encourage
   writing or have as an option to use during projects.
- Very user-friendly, fun to use and appeals to many children. 

4 ) 2ePub
A website that can convert pdf and other document formats into
  compatible files for ebook readers such as iPad, Sony Reader,
  Kindle, etc.
- Simple to use!

5 ) Drop Box
- A website used for online file storage.
Teachers can use this to save files online, no more carrying your
  flash-drive around!
- Great "add-on" features such as Drop It To me, which allows other
  users (who have access) to add files to your Drop Box. Teachers could
  have their students submit assignments this way!

6 ) Daily To Do
- An online To-Do list that creates your list with easy to check completion
Teachers could have this for personal use, or have on the board as students
  come into class and use as a classroom itinerary.   
- Very easy to use.

7 ) Pearl Trees
- An online bookmarking site that creates visual networks to display favourite
  website and resources.
- Teachers and students could use this collaboratively to bookmark classroom
  websites. Teacher could also create a Pearl Tree of various bookmarks to use
  as an activating strategy for new units.

8 ) Clay Yourself
- A website used to create claymation-style avatars of people and animals.
This is a neat way for teachers and students to include pictures on the internet
  if your school doesn't allow you to upload actual photographs of students.
- Easy to use and super cool!

9 ) Museum of Obsolete Objects
An interactive YouTube page depicting objects that are now technologically
- Teachers can use this website to show the evolution of technological
  advancements on this interactive timeline that displays an individual video for
  each object. Great for science, social studies, ELA, math... everything!
- Amazing visual design and very engaging.

                                                 Happy Summer everyone!


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