Friday, March 13, 2020

Anncouncements, Please Help, and Advice for Teachers Series!

Hi everyone I hope you'll are having a good day. Well, first all I have a few concerns to address and then we will get to the exciting news.

 One of the reasons why I haven't been blogging often is because I been losing some ideas. I have been struggling to think of things to write about. Comment down below with your ideas and suggestions if you need help to find success for you or your students in your classroom. 

This blog has been struggling for a while and I know I don't have a lot of social medias to interact with you all but it will mean a lot if you wrote a comment to give me words of encouragement. I have a few projects to do on this blog and after that, I might consider discontinuing this blog but with the support from y'all, this blog will regenerate and will be back in full swing with more great and amazing posts. 

On a high note, one of these projects I am planning to do is give advice to first year teachers. This series would be 8 or 9 chapters. If you know someone who going to be a first year teacher please advise them on this blog. If you want me to do this series please drop a comment to let me know. I am also in the works of doing two more series for teachers to help them in their classrooms.

Thanks for reading.


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I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. If you have any blog post ideas, please comment below and I will take it into consideration thank you. :)