Monday, March 16, 2020

Why Should Teachers Have a Substitute Binder and What's Included?

At the beginning of the new school year, I thought I would offer this resource to others who may find it useful for their own classes. It took a while because I was missing steps but I finally figured out how to create each page as an editable form. Download what you would like to use for your own class. (It would be cool if you would let me know how it works for you.)
Image result for great idea

In an attempt to help the guest teachers in my room I always left very detailed plans. I would use the same skeleton and fill in the blanks when I left. What I quickly found though was that often it was a lot and it was overwhelming. I saw a lot of "Sub Tubs" making the rounds on social media several years ago and decided what I needed was a binder with all of the "Must-Knows" and "Would Like to Knows" for those who are guest teaching in my classroom. Things I would want to know if necessary but not necessarily laid out in the daily plans.

The binder starts off with a letter welcoming the guest to our class and explaining that I have overplanned for the day (I always do - just in case) and that this binder is here to help as much as possible. I have several pages with things like our attention getters and rules regarding things like flexible seating and bathroom procedures. Things I don't want the kids to have to explain and not be believed (it has happened). Each page is in a page protector so the student health I just write on the page protector and clean off at the end of the year.

I have found that this helps ensure our class runs smoothly when I am out. Though let's be honest it really comes down to class procedures and how well the kids can run the room without me. That is always the best sign that I am doing my job correctly!

I have included a few of the pages that I have in my binder as well so that you can see what information I include. If you're like, cool, I like that! Then feel free to download the file I actually use in my binder.

If you decide to use any, or all, of this binder, Thank you.

Sub Binder Contents

Editable Sub Binder Cover
Editable Sub Binder Intro Letter
Editable Table of Contents
Editable Attention Getters/Call Backs

Student Health Information

Editable Birthday List
Basic Student Responsibilities
Editable Basic Student Responsibilities
Class Rules/What to Do in Case of Discipline
Editable Class Rules/What to Do in Case of Discipline
Flexible Seating
Editable Flexible Seating
Editable Technology
Editable Student of the Day/Week
Editable School Library Procedures
Editable Class Library Procedures 
Editable Fire Drill
Editable Lock Down Drill
Editable Guest Teacher Note

Leave a comment so that I know you found it helpful and what else to include if I didn't cover all of it.


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I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions. If you have any blog post ideas, please comment below and I will take it into consideration thank you. :)